
Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to start collecting banknotes

Humans are weird, when something attract you, you would tend to want to collect them. It happens, like the Magic the Gathering cards we were crazy about when we were young, the stacks of Pokemon cards that you secretly still keep in your cupboard.

Collecting banknotes is sort of similar but this hobby enables you to collect something more meaningful, has collector's value and legal tender. (Its still a piece of banknote and usable if you decide not to keep it, oh yes and ALL SINGAPORE BANKNOTES ARE LEGAL TENDER, do not get conned by anyone who claims that these old banknotes are worthless). Besides admiring the banknotes, they can also be inexpensive and meaningful gifts for your overseas friends.

If you are thinking of collecting banknotes as a hobby, or even trying to make a set to frame up and hang on the wall, you would need to read up! Make sure you are paying for what you are really getting, you should be familiar with all the terminologies that people are using, and know what you are supposed to get.

In my new few posts, I shall share with you some of the basic knowledge that you should possess before buying any notes!

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