
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Singapore Orchid Series 100 Dollar Banknote by LKS

In this post, I have attached the scans of an Orchid $1000 Banknote signed by Mr. Lim Kim San. Back in the 1970s, 1000 dollars was quite a large amount and not many people could afford to keep such a large sum of money as part of his/her collection. Therefore, 1000 dollar notes are rarely found in a good condition, with most notes actually being in constant circulation, resulting in damages. Most 1000 dollar notes which can be found now are mostly circulated and uncirculated notes would most probably cost alot to own.

This is one of my favourite orchid notes, especially the purple and pink colours used, which matches very well.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ladder No & Fancy No Singapore Orchid 10 Dollars

I have mentioned in my blog before that some collectors prefer to collect notes with nice numbers. I do not purposely seek to collect them, but I do have a couple of them in my collection by chance. These notes are well circulated and aged. Enjoy.

Repeated fancy no: 986986
Ladder no: 567890